Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tutoring Jobs Are Not Consistent

Tutoring Jobs Are Not ConsistentTutoring jobs are not consistent and are only worth the money you pay for them. In fact, most of them are very low in pay, which makes it hard to keep paying for them. However, this is the price you pay if you are looking for a quality and a long term job. If you really want to learn, then go ahead and enroll in an institution, and work as a tutor.Do you have that feeling that you will not have enough money for retirement because you will be working till your retirement? Well, with good looking work at home, many people get to retire early! One other thing about those tutoring jobs is that, it is not consistent, but there are some that pay you regular salary and some pay hourly.So, how do you make a good relationship with them? You have to know how you will handle things when the school closes for the year. You can also ask for training, as some schools and tutors are very helpful.Also, you need to know that many employers do not want to train their em ployees for some reason, and this will result in poor customer service. So, try to have this relationship with your employer. Try to ask for training from the company, and they will help you out with tutoring jobs.So, those tutoring jobs are not consistent and should be ignored. I do not suggest this for the reason that, a good tutor is worth every penny of his salary. Good income can be generated from these jobs if you take some courses and start your own business. This means that, you will have to be on top of your skills.So, how can you develop the skills and knowledge to become a good tutor? The best way to do this is to learn from someone who has already become a good tutor. Take some courses, do some research on the subject and get the experience by applying for a job in the industry. With experience and knowledge, you will surely become a good tutor.So, you see, even tutoring jobs are not consistent and at times even a bit of a scam, so you need to look for ways to find good tutors. There are companies that offer high paying tutoring jobs, if you are willing to invest time and effort in learning and becoming a good tutor.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Learning Spanish with a Spanish Tutor

Learning Spanish with a Spanish Tutor Hiring a Spanish Private Tutor to Learn Spanish ChaptersChoosing the Right Spanish TeacherHow to Prepare Yourself Before Spanish LessonsHow Much Do Spanish Tutors Charge?Spanish Tuition in National Education ProgramsPreparing for Exams in SpanishFelicitaciónes! Deciding to take a Spanish class to learn a new language is a great decision, and one that will put you on the road to becoming bilingual! The only thing that remains, is doing the research to find the right class for you.Which Spanish teacher should you choose?How can you learn Spanish fast?How should you budget for Spanish training?Private lessons in a foreign language are always a great method for rapid progression, improving your oral comprehension, or preparing for an upcoming exam.But many rush into it without taking the time to find the right Spanish course that is suited to their expectations, level, and personality.That’s why here at Superprof, a global and trusted platform for lessons in a wide range of subjects, we are offering our expertise to help you choose the right teacher, preparing for your first class, and finding a Spanish class within your budget!Spanish textbook adapted to your Spanish training! Idiots guide to Spanish or  Beginner Spanish, for example, are perfect texts to familiarize yourself with pronunciation, phonetics, the Spanish accent, grammar, and verb conjugation.Your local library is a good place to discover other resources, such as books and even podcasts, that can help you learn Spanish. Remember to always keep a “learner” attitude! This way you’ll be perfectly positioned to learn a new language. You can even get information from your library to see if there is a discussion club or learning program in place to improve your Spanish.Another good way of preparing yourself for your Spanish classes is by downloading an app, such as Duolingo or El Conjugador, on your smartphone. Apps are often tailored for people of both beginner and intermediate Spanish, so do some research before you download one so that you ca n find one that suits your level.They include many fun tools for reaching your objectives and progressing naturally â€" voice recognition for improving your accent, rewards as you make your way through the different levels. Quizzes no longer have to be a drag. And they are always at your fingertips and can be used wherever you want, while riding the bus to work, or even taking a bath.Lastly, videos, films and the radio in Spanish will be a major help in improving your comprehension of the language!YouTube videos are great because you can hear the words pronounced by a native speaker in many cases. This gives you a true picture of Spanish vocabulary that you won’t get in your Spanish class textbook. Instead of learning about verb conjugation on paper, listen to how correct verb usage sounds with your own ears!Because they are unlimited, videos allow you to learn Spanish online at your personal rhythm: when you wake up, in the car, while you eat lunch, or exercise, or at night befor e sleeping… On YouTube, you can benefit from Spanish tutorials (made by Spanish language teachers, native Spanish speakers, and Spanish enthusiasts), and find free Spanish lessons and exercises.The choice of Spanish online videos seems almost infinite: with over one billion internet users that access YouTube every day â€" and who also post videos â€" it is impossible to quantify the number. Some examples include PolyglotPablo, 123TeachMe, Why Not Spanish, Maria Espanol,, Learn Spanish with Paulino, Professor Jason, ProSpanish, and a personal favorite, Tu escuela de español!While we are on the subject, Sleep learning is a very unique channel that proposes to teach Spanish while you sleep! You listen to it as you are falling asleep and leave it on while you sleep. The video below lasts for three hours and plays multiple dialogues of typical everyday Spanish conversation, so that you identify Spanish words used in conversation. It uses three binaural beats to; enha nce learning ability, initiate sleep learning, and improve memory.Spanish Tuition in National Education ProgramsSpanish features prominently on national curricula  around the world.  The language of Cervantes is often  the most studied, due in part to the fact that it is widely spoken in the world today, and can be useful for gaining employment after school. But what are the different national curricula like when it comes to Spanish? How well will it help you learn to speak Spanish?National curriculum Spanish  allows students to start studying the language from an early age in many parts of the world. This begins with games, but then goes to teach Spanish grammar, vocabulary, conjugation, and culture.Use technology to support your school studies in SpanishThe overall goal of national education is to bring students to speaking practice rapidly, so that they can talk about their own lives, communicate via daily expressions, and understand films, songs, poems and other literature… To achieve this spoken Spanish goal, courses focus on geography, artistic and literary works, as well as everyday vocabulary and conversational practice.In high school, Spanish training becomes more complex of course: students are expected to be capable of more advanced conjugation, in the conditional and imperative tenses, negation, Hispanic culture and history (of Spain and Latin America)… The goal here too is to learn a maximum of things about the Spanish language and culture in order to be able to communicate verbally and articulate oneself in writing.Obviously, by the time high school rolls around, the emphasis is on preparing for national exams, such as the SATs in the U.S.A, or GCSEs in the UK. Find classes from Glasgow to Spanish classes London on Superprof.Preparing for Exams in SpanishThere are many ways that you can prepare for a Spanish exam; go to a language school, go on a study abroad trip, take private lessons with a native Spanish speaker etc.There are many options for taking spanish classes to improve your Spanish and prepare for standardized testing and other exams or quizzes!Testing in Spanish will almost always have portions of reading comprehension, written expression and oral expression. You should start training as early as you can prior to the exam in question, for short periods of 20 minutes at a time.Your Spanish instructors will tell you how you can revise for the exam. Before all oral testing, you should revise your basic Spanish. This means grammar, tenses, adjectives, conjugation and vocabulary. Flashcards are always a good option for listing Spanish words and Spanish phrases. Of course, regular practice, relaxation exercises and structured revisions is the best advice for learning how to speak Spanish!Learning vocabulary is always advised as when it comes to languages, almost anything can come up in a test. Also practice your exam technique so that you are familiar with the format of the exam, and how long you will have to do ea ch part.We applaud your aspiration to learn the Spanish language to become fluent. Once you have found the right teacher, he or she will prepare personalised classes to help you learn to speak Spanish. That might mean more focus on Spanish verbs or conversational Spanish, depending on the learner. You’ll go from being an absolute beginner, to an advanced Spanish speaker in no time at all!

Top tips for preparing for university

Top tips for preparing for university So the results are in, your place is confirmed on UCAS and everything seems perfect! All that hard work has paid off and you’re about to experience what you’ve been told ‘are the best years of your life!’ The mission of going to university… … seems no longer impossible but a mission does still exist. You still have to get there and with protective parents and piles of paperwork, you start to wonder if the day of arrival will actually ever come. Then all of a sudden, you’re leaving home and about to start your student life. You feel like a bag of nerves all over again. So… with this emotional rollercoaster, how do you cope? Here are some tips to help prepare you in those next few weeks before uni starts… Fill out that boring paperwork. Yes although it is long, it has to be done. Stick to the deadlines to ensure that you do have accommodation for when you arrive, you are going to study the modules you want and you will get that student loan. It might all seem very tedious at the time but it will definitely be worth it when you arrive. Open up a student bank account. Make sure you get a big 0% overdraft, look out for those freebies as well and get it all sorted before you start. Check your possessions are insured.   Your parent/carer’s house insurance might cover your items but you need to check that they are still covered when you are living elsewhere. If they aren’t, then make sure you take out an insurance policy before you leave. Mark your valuables with UV pens in case they are stolen as then they can be identified. Preparation reading: Should you or shouldn’t you? If you have been recommended to do some reading then it’s probably a good idea to get some done. Just remember the focus is on ‘some reading’. Some departments might say that it’s best to hold off on this though until your modules have been 100% confirmed which might not happen until you arrive. Just remember: Don’t go overboard with buying books as when you arrive, you will have access to a library for free! Try and borrow some books from your local library before you start, or, if you know that there are some core texts which you think will be useful all year then buying them beforehand will save you time when you arrive.  Have a look on Amazon, The Book Depository or AbeBooks for some good offers. If it’s for Maths or Physics, Flooved does great stuff for free. Accommodation: The prospect of living with or even sharing a room with new people can be daunting but remember that everyone is in the same situation and will want to get along. You could look on student forums to maybe get in touch with people in your flat or room beforehand. Take a look at The Student Room forums for example. The uni shop. The extent of this depends on whether you’re going to be self-catered or catered. If self-catered, then the shop may take a little longer with pots and pans, cutlery, the food stock up and all sorts on the list. But regardless, the all-important tea and coffee and maybe a few biscuits are a must for a student! Mums particularly go wild on this shop, thinking you need anything and everything but go with it! It keeps them happy and often a lot of things they think of end up being pretty useful. See The Student Room’s list for ‘What to take to university’ for some good advice: Take some ‘pick me up’ medication. The first few weeks of freshers can be intense and the famous Freshers’ Flu will start to spread so have paracetamol, Lemsip and Strepsils at the ready. Take some photos of family and friends with you. Although you are likely to have a fantastic time, you may still have some blip moments when you feel a bit homesick and this is when your photos will be very handy. Vaccinations: make sure you’re up to date. However horrible they may be, get them done as you don’t want to be ill when you’re away. Check what you can take with you. Appliances such as kettles and mini fridges might not be allowed so it’s good to check this first. You might have them provided for you already. You won’t need to take an ironing board if there’s one in your hall already. You will be given a contact, whether a member of staff or a student rep so don’t be afraid to ask, they are there to help. Prepare for the weather! It might seem silly but if you’re moving that bit further north, then all of a sudden, you feel that temperature drop and extra woolly jumpers are needed! Get some fancy dress…boys too! Although you’re all grown up going to uni, you also experience a travel back in time to fancy dress fun. It’s time to head back to those days of kiddy birthday parties and group together any odd bits of fancy dress (60s or Bond themed maybe) as this will be something that you will probably end up using on a regular basis during your uni years. Good luck and have a fantastic time starting your next chapter and new beginning.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Find A Job While You Are Studying

How To Find A Job While You Are Studying StudentJob is an online portal aiming to change the recruitment landscape by connecting employers with the brightest young talent. Founded in The Netherlands in 2001 and officially launched in the UK in 2010, StudentJob has helped over 700,000 students, graduates and young professionals both nationally and internationally. Jobs are separated by type, category and city so that job seekers can easily search for their ideal role, whether that is for a summer job, part time job, internship, placement or graduate role. As well as the online portal, the StudentJob mobile app makes it even easier to search for opportunities and reach out to potential employers. Summer Jobs and Part Time Jobs Summer jobs and part time jobs are an excellent way of building up experience and learning new skills while still earning money. StudentJob offers a wide range for temporary and flexible jobs, giving students plenty of opportunities to find the perfect role for them. Placements Whether looking for a summer placement or a placement as part of a sandwich degree StudentJob makes it easier than ever to connect students with potential employers across the UK and even abroad using the online portal or mobile app. Internships University isn’t the only option after finishing school, internships are another great step to pursuing a fulfilling career. Internships allow young professionals to gain valuable experience and importantly, give young professionals the opportunity to try out different industries to help them choose which one they would like to pursue. StudentJob offers internships in a range of industries. Graduate Jobs Finding your first full time job after university can be a daunting task, but StudentJob connects employers with bright graduates in a wide range of job sectors across the country. After registering, StudentJob sends email alerts and newsletters tailored to a students profile to ensure they don’t miss out on their ideal job opportunity. In addition StudentJob has a wide range of helpful resources for job seekers, providing help with cv’s and more. This is why Tutorfair works with StudentJob to help find the brightest young talent. Looking for a job to fund your student lifestyle? Check out their application tips now.

?? Classroom Tech How Virtual Reality is Helping to Bring Learning to Life

?? Classroom Tech How Virtual Reality is Helping to Bring Learning to Life Classroom Tech: How Virtual Reality is Helping to Bring Learning to Life The way that we learn has evolved over time, from philosophers passing on their secrets via word of mouth to the invention of the Gutenberg press and the rise of the World Wide Web.And with the 21st century well underway, tutors and teachers for all age groups have access to a new generation of learning tools that have the potential to revolutionise the field of education.Tech in classrooms is nothing new, and it’s not uncommon for pupils to use laptops and tablet computers during lessons. And, with studies showing that iPads boosted maths scores by 20% and increased pass rates by 49% at separate schools, it’s hard to argue against its efficacy. But iPads and other tablets are only the beginning.A New Generation of Classroom TechOne of the biggest current trends in the tech industry is the rise of virtual and augmented reality. By 2018, it’s predicted that the total number of virtual reality users will reach 171 million, while revenues are set to increase by over 3,000% over fo ur years.And virtual reality isn’t just for gamers â€" it can also be useful in the classroom because it engages different learning styles. Auditory learners learn by listening, visual learners by seeing, and kinaesthetic learners by touching things and interacting with them. Virtual reality is a mixture of all three.In fact, a number of new startups are developing technologies that blend virtual reality and the world we see before us. Most notably, Pokémon Go used augmented reality to become the most downloaded iPhone app in the world in 2016, although it’s only educational if you’re learning how to catch ‘em all.What This Means for PublishersPublishers have always had a responsibility to change with the times, and doubly so when it comes to the field of education. It’s important for publishers to begin with, so that they can continue to innovate for their readers, but the advent of new technology also opens up whole new opportunities for non-fiction books in particular. Virtual reality tools allow educational publishers to blend audio and video with written text, offering the potential for 360-degree views and interactive lessons and tutorials. While the technology is still in its infancy and it’s far from perfect, the potential applications are virtually limitless.The Virtual Reality LandscapeThe VR market is expected to be worth $30 billion by 2020, with 500 million headsets by 2025. 28 million people will be paying for VR hardware and content by 2018, and 200,000 developers have already registered to build games for the Oculus Rift.Luckily, there’s plenty of activity in the education sector, too. Companies like zSpace, Alchemy VR and Immersive VR Education have set up shop, dedicating themselves solely to providing schools with packaged content and teacher training. Google has joined the fray too, providing thousands of schools across the world with a temporary VR kit as part of their Pioneer Expeditions programme.Of course, price will alway s be a barrier for new technology, as schools and educational facilities have to make the most of their limited budgets. But the basic technology doesn’t have to be too expensive â€" as shown by kits like Google Cardboard ($20) and Samsung Gear VR ($99) â€" and it’s likely to become cheaper over time.Immersive Learning ExperiencesThere’s still work to be done before virtual reality becomes as ubiquitous in the classroom as the exercise book, but there are already early signs of the technology’s potential. In the future, we can expect to see truly immersive learning experiences in which a new generation of teachers will be able to bring any subject to life.History teachers can take their students into the middle of a battle. Geography teachers can lead a foray into areas that are inhospitable to human life, and so can science teachers when they talk about other planets. English teachers can introduce students to Shakespeare and Dickens, and Spanish teachers can take their stu dents to Madrid with the flick of a switch.This all signals a fundamental move in the way that we prepare our children for the future. We’re moving away from ‘learning’ a topic and starting to allow kids to ‘feel’ it. This is good news for pupils, because it’s often easier to see and hear something than to have it explained to you. The Future of VR in the ClassroomImagine a school where there’s a field trip every day, only without the stress of loading students into a bus and having to drive them somewhere. When kids get home, the question will change from “what did you do at school today?” to “where did you go at school today?”Teachers will be able to build lesson plans using customisable tools that are developed specifically for that purpose, or they’ll be able to use off-the-shelf software from third-party developers who specialise in the education industry. Whole classes will be able to experience virtual and augmented reality as easily as watching a DVD or visiting a computer room. Meanwhile, haptic feedback and other real-world crossovers will become more common. Companies will develop technology to allow VR users to feel wind, smell the ambience, and even to reach out and interact with virtual objects through real-world gadgets. VR will go from being a promising experiment to a truly immersive experience.A Bright FutureThe more you think about it, the more you start to realise the potential of virtual reality in the classroom. There’s a long way to go before VR becomes truly ubiquitous, and the future of the technology lies in the hands of software and hardware developers, as well as their customers and investors.But while our current technology isn’t perfect, it still has a lot of value, and you’d be wise not to dismiss it out of hand. VR isn’t for everyone, and every student has a different way of learning, but you might just find that it brings subjects alive in a way that nothing else can compare to.About the author This post is written by Marc Defosse, the founder of Ribbonfish. This tech startup provides innovative solutions and consultancy to the publishing and media industries. With a focus on Salesforce Microsoft cloud platforms, the company builds impactful enterprise software for the digital age.

Help Your Kid Learn to Love Reading and Writing - TutorNerds

Help Your Kid Learn to Love Reading and Writing - TutorNerds 5 ways to help your kid learn to love reading and writing over the summer Reading and writing are one of the most important things children can learn. Students learn these skills at different rates and may need a little bit of time to work on certain elements of reading comprehension or writing during the summer months. These tasks can either seem like a difficult chore or can be a really fun part of a student’s daily schedule depending on how they view reading and writing. There are lots of ways to help kids learn to love reading and writing over the summer so they can be successful during the school year and refine these important building blocks of learning our experienced Los Angeles reading and English tutors will have your kids reading and writing at a higher level. 1. Age appropriate Books and other texts should always be age-appropriate for a particular kid. If they happen to be a little bit behind their current grade level, they may need to read books that are at an easier level but still interesting for a child of their current age. If parents are struggling to find age-appropriate material they should talk to their kid’s classroom teacher or a librarian who can point them in the right direction. If a student is reading books they find to be too childish; they probably wont love reading; the age-appropriate material is a really important element of their improvement. 2. An enjoyable environment Sitting at a desk is not always the most comfortable environment to work on reading and writing skills. Kids might want to study in the kids section of the local library, on a comfy couch, or even outside under a tree in the shade. When kids are more comfortable, they tend to enjoy reading and writing and view it as something positive rather than an obligation theyll try to avoid. 3. Make reading social Reading and writing dont have to be solitary activities. In fact, many students learn better in a social environment where they are encouraged by their peers and can share exciting learning experiences and goals. Younger students might go to story time at a local library or bookstore whereas older students might work on their writing skills at a local coffee shop or café with a few motivated friends. Although its great for reading and writing activities to be social its still important for students to have a quiet enough environment to be able to concentrate on the more challenging aspects of these core subjects. 4. A topic of their choice Students avoid reading because theyre bored or disinterested in a particular topic. If students are going to read extensively over the summer they should be able to pick topics or subjects they are particularly interested in. Kids might be into dinosaurs and adventure books, or they might prefer to read about biographies or nonfiction. Its essential for kids to be able to actively participate in their learning by choosing what theyll read about, so they learn to love reading and education in general. 5. Combine reading and writing Although reading and writing are separate subjects theyre actually heavily intertwined. Kids can learn to love these two subjects by working on them together. Perhaps students can write a summary paragraph after each chapter they read or create a magazine publication about a character in a book they admired. Reading and writing go hand-in-hand and so its important for students to learn where they connect so they can improve both of these important academic skills. Our private Los Angeles reading and English tutors are here to help your kid succeed. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Tips from a San Diego Tutor Keeping In Touch After Graduation

Tips from a San Diego Tutor Keeping In Touch After Graduation Tips from a San Diego Tutor: Keeping In Touch After Graduation Tips from a San Diego Tutor: Keeping In Touch After Graduation Seniors are about to graduate from high school and move on to different colleges throughout the country and beyond. Many high school seniors have been close with their group of friends for four years or, in some cases, since kindergarten. Although students are excited to be going off to college, as the last day of high school approaches the reality of being separated from close friends sets in. Its a good idea to stay in touch with high school friends for a number of reasons and with todays social media its easier than ever.? Here are four tips from a San Diego private tutor on how to stay in touch after graduation. 1. Create a Google Hangout group Students who have a small group of very close friends can set up a Hangout where they all can get together on a regular basis. Although separated by physical distance, sitting down once a week to Hangout is a great way to ease the social transition from high school to college. Many of you may be thinking that youre the only one who was caught off guard by the amount of challenges that presented themselves when adjusting to a new town or campus, but after speaking with your Hangout group, youll probably discover that youre not the only one. High school friends can provide excellent support during that first transition to college. 2. Create your own Facebook page Creating a personalized Facebook group or page for you and your closest high school friends is a fun and convenient way to stay in touch. Although its important to make new friends and learn about different types of people on campus, there are certain things that your new friends won’t understand because theyre still getting to know you. Its a great idea to have a closed Facebook group so that you can express any issues, accomplishments, or frustrations with friends who have known you forever. Just double check that your privacy settings are on to make sure what youre posting is only seen by your closed group and is not available for the whole world to see (READ: Advantages of a Traditional On-campus College Experience). 3.  Create a study group If you and four of your closest friends helped each other survive five AP classes throughout high school, youre probably doing something right. Perhaps you all have similar learning styles or perhaps your different skills complement each other and help fill the gaps in learning. Of course, its important to find a study group on campus so that you have multiple people helping you study. However, during the first two years of college, it might be a good idea to choose one of the same classes each semester and help each other get through it. For instance, if all of you decide to take Psychology 101, the course will probably be relatively similar regardless of what university offers it because general education classes are fairly standardized. Theres no reason you cant meet up, via social media or remote learning technology, to help each other thrive in a difficult course. If you were all able to sign up for Psych 101, you might be able to ace that course the same way you did in high school. Of course, you’ll have to adjust to your remote study group because you may all have different assignments and different textbooks. Although these study groups are helpful, they should be viewed as a supplement in addition to self-study and working with peers on campus (READ: Tips From an Irvine Private Tutor: Avoiding Stress During Finals). 4. Meet Up in Person Although technology and social media are fabulous tools, they are no substitute for real life, in-person socialization! If all of you are coming back home to visit mom and dad for Thanksgiving and the summer, it’s an opportunity to get together with good high school friends. School breaks are a great time to share and compare your new experiences and discuss any exciting opportunities as well as your academic goals. Its also a good idea to have some good old-fashioned social time with friends for no other purpose than just to have fun.  College is meant to educate young people and broaden their horizons, but it’s not meant to take away any of the good friends or positive social aspects that were formed in high school. In person socialization is always valuable and helps people remain happy and maintain healthy friendships. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write. Tips from a San Diego Tutor Keeping In Touch After Graduation Tips from a San Diego Tutor: Keeping In Touch After Graduation Tips from a San Diego Tutor: Keeping In Touch After Graduation Seniors are about to graduate from high school and move on to different colleges throughout the country and beyond. Many high school seniors have been close with their group of friends for four years or, in some cases, since kindergarten. Although students are excited to be going off to college, as the last day of high school approaches the reality of being separated from close friends sets in. Its a good idea to stay in touch with high school friends for a number of reasons and with todays social media its easier than ever.? Here are four tips from a San Diego private tutor on how to stay in touch after graduation. 1. Create a Google Hangout group Students who have a small group of very close friends can set up a Hangout where they all can get together on a regular basis. Although separated by physical distance, sitting down once a week to Hangout is a great way to ease the social transition from high school to college. Many of you may be thinking that youre the only one who was caught off guard by the amount of challenges that presented themselves when adjusting to a new town or campus, but after speaking with your Hangout group, youll probably discover that youre not the only one. High school friends can provide excellent support during that first transition to college. 2. Create your own Facebook page Creating a personalized Facebook group or page for you and your closest high school friends is a fun and convenient way to stay in touch. Although its important to make new friends and learn about different types of people on campus, there are certain things that your new friends won’t understand because theyre still getting to know you. Its a great idea to have a closed Facebook group so that you can express any issues, accomplishments, or frustrations with friends who have known you forever. Just double check that your privacy settings are on to make sure what youre posting is only seen by your closed group and is not available for the whole world to see (READ: Advantages of a Traditional On-campus College Experience). 3.  Create a study group If you and four of your closest friends helped each other survive five AP classes throughout high school, youre probably doing something right. Perhaps you all have similar learning styles or perhaps your different skills complement each other and help fill the gaps in learning. Of course, its important to find a study group on campus so that you have multiple people helping you study. However, during the first two years of college, it might be a good idea to choose one of the same classes each semester and help each other get through it. For instance, if all of you decide to take Psychology 101, the course will probably be relatively similar regardless of what university offers it because general education classes are fairly standardized. Theres no reason you cant meet up, via social media or remote learning technology, to help each other thrive in a difficult course. If you were all able to sign up for Psych 101, you might be able to ace that course the same way you did in high school. Of course, you’ll have to adjust to your remote study group because you may all have different assignments and different textbooks. Although these study groups are helpful, they should be viewed as a supplement in addition to self-study and working with peers on campus (READ: Tips From an Irvine Private Tutor: Avoiding Stress During Finals). 4. Meet Up in Person Although technology and social media are fabulous tools, they are no substitute for real life, in-person socialization! If all of you are coming back home to visit mom and dad for Thanksgiving and the summer, it’s an opportunity to get together with good high school friends. School breaks are a great time to share and compare your new experiences and discuss any exciting opportunities as well as your academic goals. Its also a good idea to have some good old-fashioned social time with friends for no other purpose than just to have fun.  College is meant to educate young people and broaden their horizons, but it’s not meant to take away any of the good friends or positive social aspects that were formed in high school. In person socialization is always valuable and helps people remain happy and maintain healthy friendships. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Little Genius Nursery

Little Genius Nursery Little Genius Nursery At Little Genius Nursery we aim to provide a warm and safe learning environment, where children will are able to prepare for their future through incorporating the core values of our curriculum.We encourage children to become independent learners who think creatively and reflectively, ensuring they are capable of achieving their full potential.We believe in building solid personalities through a healthy socialization and awareness of the world around them thus awakening their consciousness preparing the children of today for the world of tomorrow.OUR PHILOSOPHYWe know that children require a loving and caring learning environment, as they tend to take confidence in their caregivers. Ensuing of self confidence, self reliance and self satisfaction is of fundamental importance to the development of their personalities.At Little Genius we believe that in infancy, children have a large capacity for development. Our approach is to accept and understand the natural stages of development of a child, as well as the relationships that they share with their environment.Our belief is that a child must have some control and be interested in their activities while at the nursery in order to learn from these activities.

The Bruice Organic Chemistry Blog

The Bruice Organic Chemistry BlogThe Bruice Organic Chemistry blog can help you understand some of the complexities involved in chemistry. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to this type of knowledge, or is educated enough to understand the importance of what you read on a daily basis. With this in mind, this might be a great idea for those who are just getting started in their career as well as for those who are trying to learn more about the field of chemistry.One thing to note with the Bruice blog is that most of the posts and articles written by Dr. Dre will come from a personal experience. In other words, it can be difficult to interpret a reading on a daily basis if you don't have direct personal experience to relate to.The Bruice Organic Chemistry blog is also great for those who are in a field that doesn't require a large amount of training or experience. The same goes for those who are simply interested in learning more about chemistry.The Bruice Organic Chemistry blog w ill explain in simple terms some of the basics that are involved in chemistry. The reason why this is helpful is because a lot of the topics that need to be covered are actually fairly simple. Often times, reading about chemistry can be very confusing, especially to someone who is new to the field of chemistry.The comments section of the Bruice Organic Chemistry blog can be a great resource for those who want to get an understanding of how they can apply what they read on the blog to their professional lives. People who are new to chemistry often find it hard to learn what they need to know before they enter a field that requires a great deal of learning.In addition to talking about the Bruice Organic Chemistry blog, Dr. Dre's chemistry podcast can also be a great resource for those who are just starting to learn about chemistry. Because Dr. Dre puts so much emphasis on the podcast, it can provide those who want to learn more about chemistry for a great resource.Just make sure that you take your time when learning about chemistry. Sometimes, learning about it can be easy, but it might take a long time for someone who just started out.

Friday, February 7, 2020

What Is Work Chemistry?

What Is Work Chemistry?What is work chemistry? That is a question which is often asked by teachers in universities as well as professors of educational institutions. A person who has always been in a lab and has been taught about work chemistry will be able to answer such questions. He would understand the importance of work chemistry in an educational institution.An introductory college or school chemistry class would be able to explain this process in a very simple manner. It involves the student labelling different components of various substances. Students learn the role of these components and how they react with one another.It may appear easy to some but it can be a lot more difficult than working in a laboratory. Laboratory chemicals are more complex and hence the student has to do more work. The work of labelling components is of necessity.The use of the keyboard and laptop is very convenient. Students who find themselves with this advantage, become much more knowledgeable wh en it comes to labelling. They learn not only the chemical identification of a compound but also the process of labelling a compound for which they have studied.Students who attend a chemistry class can give more detailed information. When they learn the concept of labelling with the help of an instrument, they get knowledge about how to use the instrument. They understand the entire procedure from starting to finishing.Students who get a taste of lab chemistry can ask for further instructions. They can obtain all the information about laboratory chemicals and their usage through books and Internet.There are many colleges and schools that offer further education and chemical development as well. It is not necessary to know about a particular chemical before enrolling in one of them. The student will have to demonstrate that he has knowledge about a particular compound before he is accepted for further studies.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Hidden Treasure of Online Tutorials

The Hidden Treasure of Online TutorialsWhen I first started studying for my government exams, I asked my local library for a Tiny Tutor, and I didn't even need to know what an exam was. I just wanted someone to help me, but then I became more desperate when I found out that I couldn't afford the fee, and no one who had tutored me before would be able to help me. So I decided to create my own little tutorial guide to help me through the term.So my next step was to look up what sort of tutorials there were, and start looking at where to find a Tiny Tutor. What I found out was that there were so many of them I didn't know where to start. The first thing I found out was that each tutoring service is different, as are the costs. Some were so cheap, it was hard to understand why anyone would pay any money for a tutorial.So I decided to go on the internet and try to find some basic information on the various companies, or those in my area, or even a little bit of a guide to how they worked, to make sure I wasn't wasting my time. And what I found out was that there were many, many different schools out there that I should have never known about.But then I discovered the basic building blocks of the tutorials I had looked at, and that opened up a whole new world. There were now a bunch of different types of tutorials that I could find out there. I was able to choose which one I liked best, and that really helped me narrow down my search.It was quite interesting to see all the different options I had on how I could get more info on the tutorials I was researching. All of them had their pros and cons, and as I mentioned earlier I had spent quite a lot of time looking for a free tutorial. I was able to find out that one could be a bit expensive, but it gave you everything you needed to know before you went for it. But I also found out that you can get so much information about it in a day and even get to see all the way through it, including the book, which helped me get a lot better idea.And the Internet also gave me the chance to see that tutorials were the most popular, and which ones were not. There were also forums out there, which I was able to join and see what others thought of those guides. I did find out that most tutorials had been reviewed, and given their star rating.I had been looking for a book on a particular subject for a while, but was concerned that I would not be able to study it before the term. But when I found out that there were tutorials that you could use to study any subject, even if you didn't know anything about it, that made it so much easier.